Module 4 of Social Mentoring for Work Integration of Disadvantaged Groups

During January 11-13, 2024, we organized Module 4 of the Social Mentoring program for Work Integration of Disadvantaged Groups. With our group of Social Mentors, we have started the new stage of mentees’ recruitment and communication with businesses. 

Ten social mentors during these days have continued their training on how to be better employment consultants, not only for their mentees, but also for businesses which are facing workforce shortage!

Mentoring for work integration brings benefits for the companies (prepared and supported workforce) as well as for the mentees (opportunity to be employed and grow in businesses that care about their employees).

The preparation of Social Mentors for Work Integration of disadvantaged groups is being carried out under the care of "PUBLIC" from North Macedonia, according to their certified program, and is implemented by the Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC) in the framework of the GIZ regional project: "Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in the Western Balkans”. 

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