Enhancing women's access to employment

Donor: Democracy for Development in Prishtina, Kosove with the funds of the Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina

Overall objective: Increased participation of women in the labor market in Kosovo and Albania through targeted advocacy in fighting gender discrimination, promoting decent jobs, and implementing gender-friendly country strategies that improve the presence of women in the labor market.

Specific objectives:

Increase CSOs' influence over policy-making relevant for the position of women in the labor market and implementation of the decent job agenda principles.
Build capacities of community agents to enable an environment that promotes women's economic empowerment and decent jobs.
Increase public awareness of the importance of inclusive labor markets.

Summary of the first two years implementation:

Labor markets in Albania are characterized by high unemployment and inactive rates, lack of implementation of decent job principles. Addressing inequalities between men and women allows for the establishment of a social order in which women and men share the same opportunities. The project aims to address discrimination in the labor market persistent in Kosovo and Albania - a problem that is hindering the activation of women in the labor market.

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