Roundtable discussion Pogradec - Implementation of the 3rd objective of the National Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020
December 2020 Gender Alliance for Development Center in cooperation with the Municipality of Pogradec organized a roundtable discussion on "Functioning of the Coordinated Referral Mechanism (CRM) Findings and challenges in the implementation of the 3rd objective of the National Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020”
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the preliminary findings of the CRM monitoring in the municipality of Saranda, the challenges and recommendations of each of the members of the Interdisciplinary Technical Team in managing cases of violence against women and girls and domestic violence.
Referring to the period January - November 2020, the following have been implemented by the Coordinated Mechanism for Referral of Cases of Violence in the Municipality of Pogradec:
- 9 meetings of the CRM;
- 17 groups of awareness-raising activities and capacity building during the year and national campaigns against violence;
- 27 are cases of domestic violence handled by the CRM;
- In May 2020, the European Charter for Gender Equality was signed by the Mayor, Mr. Xhakolli. The signing of this charter is an important step in the commitment that the Municipality of Pogradec will undertake in the field of Gender Equality at the local level in the coming years.
This meeting is organized within the project "Providing technical expertise to the government and CSOs for the development, budgeting, implementation and monitoring of measures to address violence against women in the new Strategy for Gender Equality and Action Plan" which is implemented in within the framework of the United Nations Joint Program "To End Violence Against Women and Girls", funded by the Government of Sweden and implemented by UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA, in cooperation with the Government of Albania.