Take the necessary measures to resolve the requests of the employees of the Oil Refinery in Ballsh. Open letter



Mr. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania

Mrs. Belinda Balluku, Minister of Infrastructure and Energy

Mrs. Anila Denaj, Minister of Finance and Economy

Mrs. Ogerta Manastirliu, Minister of Health and Social Protection



Mrs. Fiona McCluney, UN Resident Coordinator in Albania

Mrs. Zhulieta Harasani, National Coordinator, International Labor Organization Office


Take the necessary measures to resolve the requests of the employees of the Oil Refinery in Ballsh. 

For several days, the Albanian society has been following the strike of men and women in Ballsh, who seek to receive unpaid salaries from the company where they worked, earned with their work and recognized legitimate by a court decision given by the justice authorities.

Following with concern their strike and getting acquainted with the demands of the strikers, as civil society activists and defenders of women's rights, we bring to the attention of the responsible institutions the following:

Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, (Universal Declaration of Human Rights);

Albania adheres to all International Conventions for the protection of human rights and has ratified the conventions of the International Labor Organization ILO, in particular, Convention 81, "On labor inspection";

Albanian state bodies have a duty to take appropriate measures to protect the right to work and the right to provide a means of subsistence through work, as established by the "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights"

The Albanian state ensures equal rights for men and women in the field of Labor, as enshrined in the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" ratified by Albania in 1993,

Based on the Constitution of Albania in the framework of Economic and Social Rights and Freedoms, as well as in all International Acts as above,

Based on the labor legislation, which requires respect for the rights of employees by the employers, including the right for the Employer to pay the employee regularly,

Based on the legislation on labor inspection, which provides that the State Labor Inspectorate must ensure the implementation of legal provisions on working conditions and protection of employees in the exercise of their profession, for the duration of work, salaries, etc.,

We demand immediate intervention from the Albanian State, to resolve the demands of women and men workers of the Ballsh Refinery.

Two fundamental issues are raised here:

1.       The issue of protection of human rights and especially the rights of workers, which must be guaranteed and protected by the Albanian state, rights which in Ballsh have been severely violated.

2.       The issue of protection of socio-economic rights of employees which are violated by private legal entities operating in the territory of Albania. Even in these cases, the Albanian state has the responsibility to guarantee these rights and protect employees from abuse, despite the fact that they came from private persons. The problem of receiving salaries from oil workers is a matter to be resolved by the power of the state, which must ensure that the labor rights of its citizens are respected by private employees.

The whole event in Ballsh shows continuous violations of workers 'rights in particular, violation of the right to pay and remuneration for work performed, violation of the principle of legal certainty, not recognizing employees' acquired rights, not guaranteeing a job and not allowing striking employees to resume work at the Refinery.

Regarding the above, we ask the Albanian Government:

  • Respect and protect the employees of the Ballsh Refinery, listening to their claims;
  • Carry out the collection of financial obligations by the legal person responsible for the violations as soon as possible and oblige it to perform the appropriate remuneration in favor of the oil workers;
  • To guarantee the means for survival for each family, which has been left without income and without work for reasons beyond their control, by providing support with immediate financial assistance until the resumption of a decent job for them.
  • Social dialogue and a speedy solution must be provided immediately by the Government. The health condition of the strikers is deteriorating and it should be considered that the pandemic situation created by COVID-19 puts the health of the strikers in serious danger.

Waiting for a quick and unhesitating solution for the striking women to return to their families.

1.      Qendra “Aleanca Gjinore për Zhvillim”

2.      Qendra Për Nisma Ligjore Qytetare

3.      Rrjeti i Fuqizimit të Grave Shqiptare

4.      Linja e Këshillimit për Gra e Vajza

5.      Aleanca LGBT

6.      Refleksione

7.      Gratë në Shërbim Publik

8.      QZHK “Sot për të Ardhem”

9.      Qendra Psiko Sociale "Vatra"

10.  Qendra Burimore e Mjedisit Shqiperi

11.  Partneret Shqiperi per Ndryshim dhe Zhvillim

12.  Rinia për Integrim, Aktivizim dhe Sensibilizim

13.  Gruaja tek Gruaja, Shkodër

14.  Shoqata Gender Paqe e Siguri

15.  Qendra "Agritra-Vizion''

16.  Rrjeti per Demokraci i Grave ËDN Albania

17.  Qendra per Progres Rinor Kukes 

18.  Qendra Levizja Rinore per Demokraci Puke 

19.  Qendra e Zhvillimit te Shoqerise Civile, Durres

20.  Epoka e Re, Fier

21.  Komiteti Shqiptar i Helsinkit 

22.  Ne dobi te shtresave ne nevoje dhe personave me aftesi te kufizuara, Elbasan


24.  Qendra për të Drejtat e Gruas Rome

25.  Intelektualet e rinj, Shprese

26.  GO2_Organizate per Planifikim te Qendrueshem Urban

27.  YWCA

28.  Qendra per Zhvillim dhe Promovim Social

29.  Neë Impact Association


31.  Ambasada PINK

32.  Grupi Shqiptar i te Drejtave te Njeriut

33.  Fondacioni MUZEU I GRAVE

34.  Streheza per gra dhe vajza

35.  Qendra Rinore e Vlores

36.  Forumi Civil Selenice

37.  Institute for the Promotion of Social and Economic Development 

38.  Rromano Kham

39.  Shoqata e Gruas Jona, Sarande 

40.  Qendra Gruaja Komuniteti Mjedisi, Roskovec

41.  Qendra e Gruas "Hapa te Lehte", Shkoder 

42.  Resurset ne Zhvillim

43.  Qendra Traditë-Art-Libra 

44.  Shoqata Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare (PVN Albania)

45.  Gruaja në Integrim, Shkodër   

46.  Rromani Baxt Albania 

47.  YMCA – Shkoder

48.  Agjencia e Zhvillimit Ekonomik te Qendrueshem  (SEDA)  

49.  Doën Syndrome Albania Foundation

50.  Dea

51.  Qendra per Zhvillim Bashkepunim Integrim

52.  Qendra per Zhvillimin e Grave Rurale

53.  Te Ndryshem &Te Barabarte

54.  Observatori per te Drejtat e Femijeve dhe te Rinjve

55.  Qendra Mjedisore per Zhvillim Edukim dhe Rrjetezim (EDEN) 

56.  Ne Dobi te Gruas Shqiptare

57.  Shoqata per Integrimin e Zonave Informale, Kamez

58.  MEDPAK, Librazhd

59.  Qendra Shqiptare per Popullsine dhe Zhvillim 

60.  Shoqata Gender, Paqe e Siguri

61.  Mary Ward Loreto

62.  Shoqata Disutni Albania

63.  Tjeter Vizion

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