Closing meeting in the framework of the project “the creation of Police-Community groups against domestic violence.”
15-16 January 2019
On the 15th and 16th of January 2019, in the Administrative Unit of Peza and the “Musine Kokalari” library in administrative unit no. 7, GADC organized the closing activity for the project “the creation of police-community groups against domestic violence in 4 administrative units, Baldushk, Farkë, Peza, and Administrative Unit no. 7, Tirana,” supported by the Swedish Program, “Strengthening Community Policing in Albania” – SCPA
Representatives of the unit, police liaison officers with the community, and persons from the community were present at the meeting. This meeting was a retrospective of the whole project implementation process. These meetings were of special importance because they brought together all the main actors who were part of this project, among whom were also the police as an indictor of the establishment of a fruitful and solid relationship between the police and the community in aid of the cause against domestic violence.
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